We are proud to announce our latest application, CertiStar® for Schools. These days, schools are overloaded and too many students have ‘foods to avoid’ which can make it hard to manage. Is your school prepared for food allergies, intolerances, and dietary restrictions affecting children in schools today? Using our patent-pending MenuStar™ software can help your kitchens identify trigger foods to help keep your students safe.

CertiStar® for Schools allows you import your students and their foods to avoid, create daily menus, educate and empower your kitchen and cafeteria staff and provide allergen and nutritional information in one easy to use platform.

What you get!
Kitchen Support: Provide your school’s kitchen with resources to help them make the right food modifications for your students based on their needs.

Set Menus for the Day: Select your meals each day and run a search for an easy to follow, printable list of all students that require meal modifications.

Quick and Easy Cafeteria Searches: Based on your set menu for the day, your Cafeteria can easily see what students will have an alternate meal available.

We’ve heard (and experienced ourselves!) that parents and caregivers are worrying about their children when they are out of their care. Peanut-free tables only help those with peanut allergies! Help prepare lunch for students who need to avoid certain foods quickly and easily in a 3-second search.

Be ahead of the issues rather than react to them, and ensure the management of these ‘foods to avoid’ for individual students is in hand! Get more information by reaching out to a CertiStar® rep today or sign up for a free trial now.